{ vrongmeal }

@vrongmeal Origins

If you’re wondering why I call myself a “wrong meal”, well, you would be very vrong because I don’t. Years ago, young Vaibhav had a brilliant idea of creating different usernames on all the platforms using a very simple algorithm:

INITIALS = "vr" # Vaibhav Rabber
username = lambda site: f"{INITIALS}on{site}"

Unfortunately, however I tried, Gmail did not allow me to create an email with "gmail" as part of the username. I ended up replacing the 'a' with an 'e' so it spelled out “g-meal”. This little incident gave rise to the username "vrongmeal".

But didn’t I say I used the algorithm on all sites?

Yes! This gave rise to a number of weird usernames such as "vrontweeter". But eventually I found it hard to remember all these names, and had registered the email ID on a bunch of platforms so ended up keeping the one you all know and love now 🫣

Moreover, I always read it as “V-R-on-G-meal”. The fact that wrong is spelled incorrectly was pointed out to me by someone else.

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